Cherry Audio products have been tested and determined to be compatible with macOS Sonoma. Some DAWs and other plugins may not yet support macOS Sonoma, so check your vendor websites for compatibility ...
All Cherry Audio products have now been updated with support for macOS 13 Ventura and macOS 14 Sonoma. In addition to the macOS-related fixes, these products have been updated for Windows with various...
Effective May 1st, 2023, Cherry Audio products purchased through the Cherry Audio store or authorized resellers will no longer be eligible for license transfers. Customers who have purchased products...
Sync (v1.0.25) KR-55C (1.0.2) Filtomika (1.0.5) P-10 (v1.0.10) Atomika (v1.0.7) Blue3 Organ (v1.0.12) Wurlybird (v1.0.11) Rhodes Chroma (v1.1.2) CR-78 (v1.0.10) Cherry Audio Sync (v1.0.20) Synthesizer...
Products up to Elka-X have installers that will allow you to install on legacy Mac systems from OS X 10.9 - to 10.12. However, products released after Elka-X, as well as all newly updated installers, ...
Cherry Audio instruments and effects now natively support Apple Silicon M1 processor computers (check for updates to ensure you have the latest version). Note to Voltage Modular users - there is a sep...
Most of Cherry Audio's plugins* are not compatible with Garageband under macOS 12 (Monterey) and macOS13 (Ventura) on computers with the Intel chip while the macOS Gatekeeper security feature is enabl...
If you see this error message: There was a problem logging in. You have reached the maximum number of users for this account. Log into your account at, go to your profile page, and se...
In addition to the online user guides, a PDF version is available to download. The Download a PDF version of this user guide button appears on the top right of each product user guide found on the Ch...
MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) allows for the modulation of multiple parameters simultaneously on multiple voices, using a MIDI channel dedicated to each voiced note. MPE provides a more expressive ...